Sunday, November 8, 2009

Shelby's First Dance

Harvest Dance. I don't know who was more excited - Shelby and friends, Mandy or me. A remark that back in the "olden times," our school dances were called "Sock Hops" was the cause of much giggling! It's so much fun to see them grow.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Who is this guy?

I snatched this from Jim Mackin's Facebook page. It looks like someone we know. You can run, little brother, but you can't hide!! Ha ha.

It seems like more and more of my family has landed on Facebook. Here is a short list (doesn't include their friends or other family members):

Mandy Turner
Shelby Turner
Price Izen
Tommy Izen
Marily Love Izen
Jim Mackin
Jamie Mackin
Mary Friedrich
Jim Friedrich
Kathy Mackin (yes - Kathy Mackin)

Plus I've hooked up with some old friends from St. Anne Elementary, Mnsgr. Kelly High, Beaumont High and Lamar. Not to mention many FKM co-workers who are also there.

Speaking only for myself, I have found Facebook easier to use, post comments, upload photos and more.

Now, if we can just get Paddy, Nan, Tom and this guy to join, the whole fam damily will be in one spot. A girl can hope, right?
