Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Memories of Ike

When I got home tonight, there was a flyer taped to my front door titled "2009 Hurricane Preparedness." Oh, goodness - do we really want to think about that now? Our 2008 season was quite eventful. First came Eduard (sister Kathy evacuated from Beaumont to Houston, only to turn around and go back home the same day). Then came Ike. The cause of much disruption. Hoping for a quiet 2009 season.


  1. I’m thinking it would be a good idea to have a look at that list and stock up anyway.

    Get yourself a candle, a match, a can opener and some ‘mergency food. Water too.

  2. You're right, but I'm gonna to stick my head in the sand for a couple of weeks at least.

    Happy Birthday to you.
    Happy Birthday to you.
    Happy Birthday Dear Paddy,
    Happy Birthday to You.

    A personal, off-key rendition to come soon.

  3. We aren't to worried about 'Canes up here but our big threat is EARTHQUAKE. I used to tell Diane that we don't need emergency supplies becaue all the Mormons have two years worth for one of their religious revelations. She asked what good would that do us? I said I have a gun. She reminded me that we live in a bastion of the NRA and that I could easily be outgunned. Conceding, I agreed to have some water and food supplies stored on our premises. Costco sells a bucket of meals(over 200, I think). You can find those water storage containers anywhere. As James Baker said in his autobiography, 5P's. Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance.

  4. Oh Jim,

    I'd much rather worry about a hurricane than a quake. Just can't imagine the earth moving under my feet - Carol King or no. Jim Baker was right about the 5Ps and that "the lack of preparation on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine." Ha!
